The Girl With All The Gifts, Keeps on giving!

The Girl With All The Gifts
- M.R. Carey
Genre: Thriler
Pages: 512
Format: Standard narrative with changing POVs
Rating: 4/5
This book was a part of my WorldOfBooks haul that I did a while back and I have only just got around to reading and finishing it. I am so glad that I brought this, it was an incredible read through and through. But before we get into all of that here is a little synopsis:
Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant Parks keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don't like her. She jokes that she won't bite. But they don't laugh.
Melanie is a very special girl.
*Side note I have just found out that this is an actual film as well.. like whaaaa*
Anyway lets get into it. I did not know what to expect with this novel but I was definitely not disappointed. The story begins from the point of view of young Melanie who describes her weekly routine and environment, however from the onset there is an element of mystery surrounding her and her situation (I won't say too much, don't want any spoilers) which I, as a reader, was just itching to get to the bottom of. 
There is a sudden turning point at the start of the novel which in turn sways the rest of the narrative, a narrative of being on the run. It is hard to discuss this novel in great detail without giving too much away but I really loved the strong character of Miss Justineau (even though she was annoying at times) I loved the depth to her character but felt like Carey could have done more with her. 
As always I was so annoyed at the character deaths, they were so unnecessary that it hurt I felt like the narrative could have progressed with them still alive. But thinking about them now it makes sense as to why Carey killed them off, you'll get it after you finish the book.

The ending was somewhat shocking but it could also be predictable, depending on your viewpoint on Melanie throughout the novel. I have to say I was shocked, the optimist in me was hoping for a 'happily ever after', but she was disappointed.

Overall I loved this books, it maintained its thrill throughout and I did not want to put it down! I read it so quickly that the whole thing was a pleasureable (if that is even a word) blur.

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