Station Eleven is the only destination that you need.

Station Eleven
- Emily St. John Mandle 

This is a text that was on my set reading for my Literature and Theory module and I just fell utterly in love with thsi novel!
Before we get into the review here is a little synopsis from Book Depositary:
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"What was lost in the collapse: almost everything, almost everyone, but there is still such beauty.

One snowy night in Toronto famous actor Arthur Leander dies on stage whilst performing the role of a lifetime. That same evening a deadly virus touches down in North America. 
The world will never be the same again. 

Twenty years later Kirsten, an actress in the Travelling Symphony, performs Shakespeare in the settlements that have grown up since the collapse. 
But then her newly hopeful world is threatened. 

If civilization was lost, what would you preserve? And how far would you go to protect it?"

Okay so now you are as hooked into the story as much as I was, I will tell you how incredible it is.
The novel follows an outbreak and the stories of those affected, it is interesting how Mandle chooses to share the story through a non linear narrative instead of a series of events. This lack of chronology adds to the distortion that each character would be expected to feel within this situation. 

Also I love the concept that among all of the chaos of a new world starting, there is a group of people preforming Shakespeare. 

I guess an underlying theme in this text is the question of what is important to salvage and maintain. As well as what is regarded as dispensable, and I do not just mean material things, I mean elements of our humanity and morality, what do we chose to hold on to and what do we choose is unnecessary? 

I feel like this novel, like others in this genre, warns against the dangers of the society that we are living in now. Asking us if what we deem as important is really worth saving?

Overall this is something that I am incredibly glad to have been able to read and been exposed to! Let me know your thoughts as well.

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