The Power will change the world

The Power
- Naomi Alderman

Genre: Dystopia
Pages: 400
Format: Interchanging POVs
Rating: 5/5


This is one hell of a book! After seeing it in Waterstones for a while I picked it up and I am glad that I did! This novel is refreshing and has an unusual take on dystopia by envisioning a world with a matriarchy rather than a patriarchy.

What if the power to hurt were in women's hands? Suddenly - tomorrow or the day after - teenage girls find that with a flick of their fingers, they can inflict agonizing pain and even death. With this single twist, the four lives at the heart of Naomi Alderman's extraordinary, visceral novel are utterly transformed. 

The story is set in a way that is a 7 Year countdown to the penultimate event that changes the power balance. Alderman also includes little facts and artefact to help elevate the narrative, as well as this they build the suspense and legitimise the concept a little more.

 This is a totally a refreshing concept, something that I have never seen before! It was just great to see how a world would function and develop with a shift in power. As well as this, Alderman shows the harsh reality of how power can change and corrupt people. It is also good to see that Alderman does not just pose the women as the 'heavenly' beings but shows them as humans that can be just as violent, putting men and women on equal footing.

Alderman uses different POVs to show how the changes effect everyone, which I think is a really clever way of getting different perspectives into a single narrative. What effects Roxy has a different effect on the male journalist.

Despite all of this greatness, I did not feel the need to pick it up 24/7. But when I did pick it up I was hooked for a few chapters.

This is something that everyone needs to read! Men and Women! It will open your eyes to what could happen to the world (minus the slightly superhuman element)

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