Since You Lost Your Brother

Since You Lost Your Brother
- Daniel Yetman

Genre: Healing/Self Help
Pages: 120
Rating: 4/5
Format: Short Story Collection

*First of a disclaimer, this collection was sent to me by the author in return for a review, all opinions are my own.*

So let me tell you what this about and we can get into what I think of it! This description is from Yetman's website:
A man and woman are a few months away from getting engaged when the woman’s brother dies in a car accident. She falls into a depression that they can’t move past, and they break-up. The man moves to South Korea to put some distance between them and to give them both time to heal. But even though they’re on opposite sides of the world and they parted without a promise of ever seeing each other, he has trouble letting go of the hope that they’ll somehow find each other again. The story follows his inner journey of trying to get over the loneliness, guilt, and heartbreak that he has held onto since the breakup.

I think the whole concept is something entirely new to me and I have not seen anything like it before, the form and content really confuse my brain as to whether it is fiction or not, either way it makes for an intriguing story! Yetman has an amazing capability to make the reader and narrator feel like close friends, I felt as if I was counselling my friend through their own problems. Each story is unique but definitely keeps the theme going, as well as this there is an almost poetic element to each story; they are simple to read and flow easily through the mind.
I love the fact that it is set somewhere else than the typical England or USA, this allows for more excitement surrounding new things and new experiences, but this excitement makes the reader question why the narrator does not feel it themselves. The only downside to this is the constant repetition of the term 'darling' it started to get on my nerves a bit, but that is minor.

Overall I loved the experience of reading something completely out of my typical comfort zone, the author discusses some interesting themes and concepts, I just wish it was bigger and there was more detail in it so it flowed more like a narrative.



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