The Night Circus

The Night Circus
- Erin Morgenstern 

Genre: Fantasy 
Pages: 387
Rating: 3.5/5
Format: Fiction Organised By Dates 


I went into this novel with high expectations and excitement but I was left somewhat disappointed, so much so that I did not even finish the novel. I loved the idea of the story and the plot and I feel like it had great potential! It was just the fact that the plot took time to develop fully that I had a problem with, it became something that I did not want to pick up anymore. 


Here are some of the things that I loved about this novel!
First of, I loved the detail in setting and the time period that it was set. A lot of the novel focuses on different places and setting and Morgenstern does not shy away from detail in this aspect, I especially love (SPOILER) the creation of the Snow Garden within the circus, it held a sort of mystical value that the characters and I, as a reader, was captivated by.

(SPOILER) The introduction of the twins is like a breath of fresh air in this novel, they break up the constant mystery concerning the challenge and its participants whilst adding an element of fun and curiosity to the story. However it is not really explained within the novel about Bailey's purpose, but I love his presence along with all the circus folk.

Throughout this novel there is an underlying feeling of unease, mostly carried out by the character of Mr A. H., this mysterious figure that comes and goes as he pleases; nobody really knows who he is apart from elements of recognition from Cecilia from her childhood memories at the beginning of the novel. As well as this, there is the (SPOILER) incident with Tara (1/2 of the Burgess Sisters) where it is alluded that because of her inquisitive self, she was murdered. This fact is alluded to the reader but the circus folk are left questioning the incident. This ordeal made me wonder about the circus and question whether there was a more sinister element to it.

Overall I loved the storyline of this novel, all of the characters had their own personality and it was quite a unique story. However, it does develop slowly, so if you are someone that gets bored easily or needs something more mentality stimulating than I would give this one a pass.

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