Heart of Darkness

Heart Of Darkness
- Joesph Conrad

Genre: Novella
Pages: 72
Rating: 2/5
Format: Messy

Do not be deceived by the length of this book, despite its mere 72 pages it has taken me over a week to get to where I am at  (I managed to get to just over 1/2).
I feel like this story has so much going for it, reading the overviews and summaries online I was really intrigued but the way that Conrad has chosen to write this ruins it for me. Following the lecture that I just had on this, I definitely feel that this is almost biographical of Conrad's own experiences, using this reading it is understandable why the format is so messy. It can be suggested that his language use is there to accurately represent the events of the novella.
If you are someone that likes the more challenging reads than this is definitely for you, I just could not get to grips with his modernist style.
I love the concept of the narrative but I did not enjoy reading it...
Overall I wouldn't really recommend it.

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