The Time George Orwell Blew My MIND!

1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four)
- George Orwell

Genre: Dystopia/Political Fiction
Pages: 342
Rating: 4/5
Format: 3rd person Standard Narrative

I feel that this novel has a slow beginning with Orwell explaining all of the dystopian terms to the reader as well as emphasising the age and condition of the main character, Winston (despite the slow start I love the effort that has been put into creating this world it makes it more enjoyable)

I think for the time of writing, this novel is definitely ahead of its time! I love how Orwell contrasts the dullness of the society with the brightness of Winston's fantasies and and relationship. I do find that there is not enough depth to the characters but I get that the novel is more about the collective and not so much the individual, Winston is just a representation of the larger.

Overall I would most definitely recommend this thought provoking novel! You can definitely create some connections to today's society!


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