Malorie Blackman is a GENIUS!

Noughts and Crosses (Series)
- Malorie Blackman
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Pages: Around 400 per book (there's 4 books)
Rating: 5/5
Format: Chapter changes depending on POV, They jump from different times as well (not entirely chronological)
Malorie Blackman has created a unique and simple world that is so amazing and effective at expressing her desired story! The series follows the intertwined lives of the Hadley family and the McGregor family, specifically their children (Sephy and Callum).
This world shows the effects of an alternative history in which African people (Crosses) gained technological and organisational advantages of the European people (Noughts), resulting in the Africans making the Europeans their slaves.
Despite this series being published in 2008 (almost 10 years ago!) there are scary similarities between this series and today's society. Especially the racial tensions and the distrust between different communities in addition to how different communities are represented.
Watching Callum and Sephy grow up and their relationship develop is the most amazing and most infuriating thing that I have ever read! Malorie is no amateur at creating a reaction within the reader. The relationship between these two remind me of something similar to the novel Love Rosie, due to the idea of two people who are meant to be but are just two passing ships that keep missing each other.
Despite this being a romance, Malorie creates several strands of narrative that work in the background until eventually it is their time to take the light. The main one being the running theme of the Liberation Militia and its influence on the society, at the beginning of the story she just adds subtle hints and it is not until the end of the whole series that you realise how much of an impact each element has.
let me know your views and thoughts or any questions that you might have and I'll try and be as helpful as I can!!!
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