Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy

Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy 

– Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, and Robin Wasserman.

Genre: YA/Fantasy
Pages: 655 (It's a big book)
Rating: 5/5
Format: Novellas 
This giant of a book is just what us fans needed! All of the unanswered questions and thoughts that we might’ve had as a fandom have been put to rest in this collection of short stories. Despite there being multiple authors, a majority of the writing is definitely Cassie influenced.
Without giving too much away, this book is definitely not safe from the notorious Clare plot twists and cruelty.

My favourite part of the book is how the stories of all the other works are intertwined within this one, from The Mortal Instruments (being the main one), The Infernal Devices, The Bane Chronicles and even her latest works, The Dark Artifices (which I still do not know how to pronounce).
This novel gives a greater insight into the world of the ‘typical’ Shadowhunter as well as the histories of various characters and the academy itself. The tough relationship between Isabel and Simon was almost painful and beautifully written, especially seeing as though they are my favourite (Sizzy for life). The inner turmoil that Simon faces is balanced by his light hearted and gorgeous roommate, George (be prepared to get your heart ripped out).

That’s all I have to say about this one, more reviews and recommendations to come!!
Feel free to recommend books to me 



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